Friday, April 11, 2008

Horse Chow for People

(From the following web blog at

In the early 1930s, before health foods and granola became household words, there was a dish called Horse Chow. At that time raw oats were not being eaten by humans. This is the simplest granola of all and perhaps one of the earliest. It was dreamed up in the Austrian Tyrol, where people holed up one winter in a village far from supplies and with a very slim larder of hit-or-miss articles, but with great appetites.

4 cups rolled oats (old-fashioned, not the quick-cook kind)
1/2 cup raisins
Juice of 1 lemon
Dash of sea salt
Olive oil or vegetable oil to moisten

1 comment:

Pony Girl said...

I often think that real horse chow smells good enough to eat! ;) I think I actually tried it once when I was a kid. Maybe thats my problem.....